The quest for a healthier skin does not stop with moisturizers and lotions because it is a quest that involves more than one aspect that really needs attention. Although the skin is the biggest organ of our body and is our primary defense against external elements that will otherwise damage us, it is also the most abused part of the body insofar as those external damaging elements are concerned.
One of the signs that the skin is not having a good time doing its job is the dreaded uneven complexion characterized by skin spots, as well as under-pigmentation, freckles and just basic blotchy spots.
The Revitol skin brightener cream is part of Revitol's Skin Care line aimed at providing effective skin brightening solution to those who need it. To discover whether or not this product is actually good at what it promises it does, it is going to all come down to the ingredients that the formula is made of. Below is a record of the Revitol Skin Brightening Cream's ingredients:
Lumiskin - is the easy-name-recall version of Diacetyl Boldine which is a compound that inhibits Tryosinase which is known to be a factor in the skin's darkening process and is seen in cases of uneven skin tone.
Arbutin - is another component that aids resistant to the appearance of over-pigmentation or dark skin areas. It really is derived from wheat, pear skins, and the bearberry plant.
Evening Primrose Oil - is a moisturizing agent that is employed extensively in natural healing medicine and food preparation.
Grapefruit Seed Extract - is a known powerful antioxidant that helps the body eliminate of harmful free radicals that is known to have unpleasant effects to the skin health as well as your overall health.
Shea Butter - is a component well-liked by many skin care products and is produced from Karite Nut tree's nut. It is extensively utilized by African women with its many uses in cooking and skincare. The benefits include defense against the bad rays of the sun as well as a well-known moisturizing effects.
Allantoin - is a known moisturizing agent produced from the confrey herb. It provides health benefits to the dermis--- the outermost layer of the skin.
Vitamin A, C and E - are powerful antioxidants known to have beneficial effects to the skin at the cellular level.
For more information about revitol skin brightener cream navigate to this site.